
The 9GEMS Holistic Development Scholarship and its Holistic Education Approach

The 9GEMS Holistic Development Scholarship is greatly influenced by the 9GEMS framework, which is a teaching methodology that the Global Indian International School (GIIS) uses. The school is already known for its holistic approach in education circles. With a presence in over seven countries and currently running 21 campuses, GIIS schools are committed to providing education that combines academic excellence with strong values. If you're checking out scholarship programs for your child, then that's the idea you'll need to keep in mind. If you're interested in the 9GEMS Holistic Development Scholarship, here's helpful information about the grant.

The Holistic Approach
When it comes to this grant, the program looks for a way to mold and groom students in a way that develops their inherent strengths and personalities. It's not enough to raise academically gifted children. While that's a primary tenet of the school and a significant part of its teaching philosophy, it makes room for more. GIIS recognizes that there's more to life than getting high grades and scores. That's why it's known for its holistic approach. Unlike many schools that focus solely on training students with one goal in mind - that of developing their academic talents and strengths -, GIIS aims to do more through its scholarship programs. They want to raise students with well-rounded personalities.

Well-Rounded Citizen
The 9GEMS framework combines a focus on academia with extracurricular activities at this scholarship for school. This combination is carefully integrated into the teaching systems and beliefs at GIIS. It's what underlies every lesson, workshop, and grant. The school creates a learning environment in which this combination works to the best advantage, and it shows. The school's students learn early on to focus on their studies and develop their soft skills: they don't only learn how to do well in STEM subjects, they also know and recognize the importance of doing well in how they communicate with other people, how they get along with others, how discipline helps, and why teamwork matters.

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Personality Development
The problem with traditional teaching frameworks that put academics on top of everything else is that they tend to forget about the human side of the children. That's at the core of the GIIS scholarship. What good is excellence in academics when students grow up not knowing how to be human, how to be kind, how to practice empathy and compassion? What good is academic excellence when it doesn't support or improve the orientation of your heart?

Scholarship Goal
At GIIS, the 9GEMS Holistic Development Scholarship goal is to provide students with stellar talent in areas such as the performing arts or sports with financial assistance. The 9GEMS Holistic Development Scholarship, in particular, celebrates that fact by making it possible for certain students to waive a portion of their tuition fees. With the grant, students who aren't part of the academic elite but who have stellar talents in any of the 9GEMS skills are given the opportunity to show what they're made of, to demonstrate their talents and skills. By awarding the grants, the school recognizes these students and their talents. It recognizes the importance of their skills.

Benefits of the Grant
The importance of the grant is more than practical. While the money is a major benefit, given that many students require and welcome financial assistance, the best part of this scholarship program is that it offers recognition to the students. They validate the importance of these talents. Instead of just focusing all its resources on academically gifted children, the school also recognizes other talents. The grant gives students who might not have had any way to shine or show their peers that they excel in math or science another chance to be in the spotlight. That helps develop self-confidence and self-esteem. With this scholarship program, students learn to believe better in themselves and their talents.

Category A, B, and C
Students who have been recognized in an international event for any of the 9GEMS skills will receive 20 percent off their tuition fee and will fall under Category A. Students under Category B will receive 15 percent off their tuition fees. These are students who have been recognized in any national event for any of the 9GEMS skills. The last is Category C and is for students who have received recognition in any of the 9GEMS skills at a regional or state level. They can look forward to about 10 percent off of their tuition fees.