
Help Your Toddler To Create a Stress Free Morning Routine

As human beings, we actually need routines to function on a daily basis. It’s a very important part of life. Routines can start to be created from a very early age and if you have a toddler, this is the best age to get your very young child used to routines that will serve them well for the rest of their lives. In this article, we’ll be covering some ways to help your toddler and yourself create a stress-free morning routine; something that will lead to a positive development as they continue to grow.

Your Toddler Needs To Get Enough Sleep
Anyone who has endured a restless night’s sleep or a lack of sleep isn’t likely to have a stress-free morning. The same goes for toddlers. If anything, a toddler is going to be more stressed from a lack of sleep than an older child or adult, as younger children and especially toddlers need a lot more sleep. The average child at toddler age requires around 10 to 12 hours of good sleep to be fully refreshed and ready to face another day, so if your toddler needs to be up by 6 am, aim to have them in bed and asleep somewhere between 6 pm and 8 pm the previous evening.

Be Up Before Your Toddler Wakes
Make a point of waking up at least 15 minutes before your toddler awakes, if possible. This way, you’ll have a chance to grab a coffee and be fully alert before your toddler and everyone else in the household arises and starts the day. If you can rise half an hour earlier, you’ll even have time for a refreshing shower while everyone is still sleeping. If you’re already up and alert when your toddler wakes up, they’ll naturally feel more relaxed because you are, and they can immediately have their breakfast and start their day off on the right foot.

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Prepare the Night Before
This is especially important if you have other children as well as a toddler to care for. It can reduce stress for everyone if things like school lunches and the next day’s clothes are prepared the night before. It saves time and everything will feel a lot more organised and prepared come morning. Having school bags and all school gear ready the previous evening will also speed things up. The more relaxed everyone else is, the more comfortable and secure the environment will be for toddlers too. Preparedness will lead to having more time in the mornings so no one feels disorganised or has to rush.

Give Your Toddler Relaxed Cuddle Time When They Wake
This is an excellent way for your toddler to commence each morning and start the day on a positive note. Being able to devote a few minutes of relaxed cuddle time with them when they first wake up will largely depend on you arising early and being prepared so you’re not in a rush. Devoting five minutes or so to them and only them first thing in the morning will put your toddler into a relaxed state where they feel loved and secure. It’s the best way for a toddler to wake up each day.

Enrol Your Toddler In Early Childcare
Daycare centres and early learning centres accept children as young as toddler age. Enrolling your toddler in one of these centres can be an excellent way to develop a positive morning and daily routine, as well as being an awesome choice for early childhood development on every level. Early childhood care is far more than just about minding children while parents go to work or deal with other daily tasks. These centres focus on providing activities that help young children and toddlers grow and develop, both physically and mentally, as well as teaching them the basics in school subjects, learning about proper nutrition, interacting with other kids to develop social skills and, most importantly of all, kids are having fun in a secure and safe environment run by professionals. It’s definitely something to consider.

The Takeaway
Creating a stress-free morning for your toddler and everyone else is more about being organised than anything else. Prepare early, stick to a routine and consider enrolling toddlers and preschool-aged children in an early learning centre for best results.